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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Training Lesson 2 For Oracle Workflows

Lesson 2 of Oracle workflows training is now available. Thanks to all those who responded with their feedback for Workflow Training Lesson 1 (Audio Visual)

In this lesson we are going to learn:-
1. How to create new lookups in workflow.
2. How to provide a drop down list in notification to user. User will be select the response(approve or reject) from drop down list.
3. How to make a user enter rejection reason in free text response field within notification.
4. Validate that the value of rejection reason is not null, if user selects rejected. Effectivley this will train you on how to do validations on notification responses using pl/sql.

To access the second Lesson of Oracle Workflows Training please visit Oracle Workflow Training Lesson 2
Please feel free to either leave a comment or shoot an email to me. Kindly note that this lesson is in draft version, hence I am happy to add further explanations if need be.

Upcoming future lessons:

Workflow training Lesson 3.

How to make a generic step in oracle workflow, by passing parameters. This can be useful when you wish to display progress in some screen. This also happens to be a widely used concept in account genrators.

Workflow training lesson 4.
Raise event to execute an Oracle Workflow Process.

Workflow training lesson 5.
How to generate notifications from servlet styled pl/sql

If you would like to learn some other aspect of Oracle Workflow in Apps, please feel free to contact me.

Comments on ""


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:15 PM) : 

My viewpoints:
The audio-visual sessions are good. They are able to provide more info is less time. They make us learn quickly and also, all steps are seen without missing any. They seem exhaustive.


Blogger Anil Passi said ... (6:19 PM) : 

Hi Amrut,

Thanks for your response. Given the mized opinion I have received, my future strategy is going to be, to have Audio-Visuals for bits that are complicated to understand. For the medium complexity training sessions, I will stick to Screenshots.

Anil Passi


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:35 PM) : 

Hello Anil ,

Thank you very much for your workflow tutorials . They are informative for a beginner like me.

I have one doubt. The notification you created in lesson 1 is based on role(on the fly role :)), created through email address(

Then how come a notification is received on Oracle Apps in Lesson 2.

Thank you,


Blogger Anil Passi said ... (2:38 PM) : 

Hi Sri

the notification in lesson 2 requires a response.

first lesson notification was FYI



Blogger sritha said ... (10:37 AM) : 

hi,Anil ur doing a fantabulous job.the work flow training session was great.
my question is how to compile the workflow,do we need to place the .wft file in the databse.after compiling when we go to wf builder and say browse from the data base can we get our customized .wft.have u got any relevant data in regards with that.


Blogger Anil Passi said ... (10:45 AM) : 

When you save a workflow file in workflow builder, you will get errors and warnings if there are errors.

To load into database using script, use the script named WFLOAD



Blogger VAMSI said ... (7:53 AM) : 

Hi Anil, I want to block certain mails into workflow notification mailer like the mails which are having 'Out of office' as subject. Please let me know how can I acheive this.

Pls. reply ASAP as this has become a show stopper.

Thanks & Regards,


Blogger Anil Passi said ... (8:25 AM) : 

Hi Vamsi,

I beleive you need to setup such rules within the mail server itself.

Otherwise, for each role you will have to set re-direction rules which isn't certainly ideal.

Anil Passi


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:46 AM) : 

@ Anil,
I have a requirement. consider that am receiving FYI e-mail notification. I need to respond from the e-mail and raise a event to launch a workflow. is there anyway i could respond from FYI notification and handle it on server side. I dont want to use response type notification bcos it always prompts for a response, but i need optional response.


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:31 PM) : 

Hi Sir.

This is Manojit.
I am very new in Oracle Apps.
I am unable to understand what'context_nid' procedure done?

l_nid := wf_engine.context_nid


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:32 PM) : 

Hi Sir.

This is Manojit.
I am very new in Oracle Apps.
I am unable to understand what'context_nid' procedure done?

l_nid := wf_engine.context_nid


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:33 PM) : 

Hi Sir.

This is Manojit.
I am very new in Oracle Apps.
I am unable to understand what'context_nid' procedure done?

l_nid := wf_engine.context_nid


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:09 AM) : 

Once,we create Attributes(Attributes are acts like global variables),why should we drag and drop in messages?. The scope of Attribute is Item_type.


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:09 AM) : 

Once,we create Attributes(Attributes are acts like global variables),why should we drag and drop in messages?. The scope of Attribute is Item_type.


Blogger Vrushali said ... (8:20 AM) : 

Hi Anil,
I did SQL, PL/SQL Certification,
I have some knowledge about Oracle Forms and Reports 10g.

I am searching the job.I don't have experience of sql, plsql project.
Now planing to do Oralce Apps.
before doing oracle apps what things, technology should I know?
I am very confused to do or not.
Plz suggest as soon as possible.


Blogger swamy said ... (2:41 AM) : 

hiiiiii iam new for oracle apps workflow pls explain about workflow basics means purpose of workflow


Blogger swamy said ... (2:42 AM) : 

im new for oracle apps workflow can u explain purpose of workflow basics.......pls


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